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The information contained in this site was secured and obtained from various sources. While reasonable efforts have been made in compiling and posting this information, the GCA makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information contained on this site. All Bidders or Offerors should verify with the agency specified in the solicitations for any notifications, addendums or amendments. Bidders or Offerors who want to be listed as a subscriber must contact the Agency directly.

Search For Contract Awards
General Contractors Association of Hawaii

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Project Name *:
*enter partial job name - 1 or 2 consecutive words - for best results.
* for best results, enter one key word from contractor's name.
GCA #:
Job #:
...or fill in one or more of the fields below:

Bid Date:     optional:
through: (leave blank to return records from a single month or day)
Soliciting Agency:
Award Date:     optional:
through: (leave blank to return records from a single month or day)